Weekend Read: Mothers Want Killings Stopped, Solved

The Boston Globe reported this week on the Women Survivors of Homicide Movement, which is urging city officials to put a stop to violent crime.

The mothers held photos of the killed as they stood silently in a lobby near Mayor Martin J. Walsh’s office Friday morning, hoping he would take notice of their plea: Prioritize Boston’s violence and unsolved murders, and commit to change.

Later in the day, in a City Hall meeting room, the mayor told the Women Survivors of Homicide Movement that the city will do just that by upgrading its technology, including replacing antiquated camera systems, assigning more civilian trauma advocates, and more. He said he will release a long-term plan in the coming weeks.

“It’s very emotional for people who lose loved ones to murder and they don’t find the perpetrator,” he said after the meeting. “We have to try and see what we can use technology-wise today in 2014 to try to close those cases.”

Read more about the group — and what they are asking for — here.

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